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Personal Accounterbility Tagging and Tracking (or PATT for short) is a minimalistic form of microblogging meets records keeping. Rather than the vainglorious questions "What are you doing?", PATT asks "What have you done?"


This system was very much designed with software engineering in mind (which makes sense since it was designed by a software engineer). Projects are not completed often, and usually, they are never truly completed but go on to perpetual development. Some may be dropped, and you'd never hear word one about it.

I once said that I pretty much update this site every day, and my work on it has stayed about that consistent. However, as my projects get larger and more complex, the results are seen less and less. And no one really cares to hear me say "Plugged away at Foo again" in some dev log.

Enter PATT: it can not only give visitors an idea of what I've been up to, but it also gives me a clue where my head's been. The public display has one big advantage, too: shame. Every twenty-four hour window missed results in a mark of shame. This not only holds me personally accounterble (and yes, the misspelling is intentional) but also tracks my doings with those newfangled tag things, which I really should be using more on this site.

Technically, everyone with a Master Account has one of these deals already, since I woefully overdeveloped it. Of course, I don't think anyone with a master account wants one.

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