August 12
Poet Some of those creatures strayed from their migration. I could never see where it was they went, do I decided to follow one. The serpent flew out to an arbitrary space and stopped. It is difficult to describe what happened next, but it tore a hole in space. It disappeared inside this little portal it had made, and I quickly followed.
Inside was a pristine forest. A young woman, a very small woman, sat on a rock. I didn't recognize her at all. She spoke with some sort of accent -- an Aussie, perhaps. She behaved very strangely and calm, and as though she knew who I was.
That's when I saw it. The serpent was there, hiding in the shade. I tried to point it out to her, to tell her it was not safe, but she would not listen. She could not even see the thing. She continued to act in her normal cool. I went to shoot it, but for some reason could not. It must have sensed the danger, for soon, the thing had sprung after us. She could not understand what I was doing as I wrestled with what to her looked like nothing. She sprouted strange, silvery wings to avoid being crushed by me, but it was soon over. I smashed the creature against the ground, and it was all gone.
No girl, no forest, no monster. Just space...

