August 7
Nightmare This dream occured much closer to my last one than previous dreams. I think it has something to do with being attacked. Last time, I woke on my own. Before, my dreams ended after those monsters forced me to wake...
This dream was in the same place as the last. I flew right for that glowing stream in the sky. I got a better look at the red, round monsters this time. I didn't look long, though. Soon enough, the others learned to stay away from me. My journey continued with little delay.
When I got close enough, I could see that that stream was filled with these monsters. They were gathering and flying up in a giant pillar. I wanted to follow it, but I saw something else. Behind me, the place I had just left, I had never seen from far away. It looked like the moon, floating about in black space.
No stars, nothing else in the sky. Just a moon.

