Day 3
Sanguine Perhaps it is not fair to label these entries as days. There are no days anymore, only an endless night. The only way I can keep track of these things is with this journal...
I met another Dreamer today, another I had seen before. His name is the Sanguine Dreamer, and like Aurora, he is a Purger. He briefly told me about another Purger named the Destroy Dreamer, who was a good friend of theirs. The three of them and those three Reapers are something of enemies, but they lost a battle, and he is gone now.
The same thing must happen to a Dreamer when they are defeated as when the spirits get them. They return to their slumber, they lose their power.
I have always awaken whenever I run out of energy. I guess I really shouldn't push it...

Gale Dreamer

Play Sanguine's Challenge
